America has a crisis – it’s called aging. Reports suggest the average lifespan of a married couple at age 62 – one will live to age 92. Their assets, however, may not last as long as they do!
Creating a plan for a long term care protection is vital, yet few insurance products exist that can provide all of the essential and desired elements of a plan to assure this exposure.
The Cost of Long Term Care is Staggering:
The Average Cost of Long Term Care
- The average cost of long-term care in the United States in 2014: $223/day or $6,691/month for a semi-private room in a nursing home.
- $240/day or $7,300/month for a private room.
- $3,500/month for care in an assisted living facility (one-bedroom unity).
- $20/hour for a home health aide.
Source: Genworth Financial, www. genworth.com; April 22, 2015
Trends that could Long Term Care
If medical inflation is @ 3.5%:
- In 10 years with inflation = costs will be $123,568 per year!
- In 20 years with inflation = costs will be $174,306 per year!
Who can afford to provide a plan of care that could cost into the hundreds of thousands?
ThePerfect LTC Solution™
- Premiums never increase
- Lifetime benefit pool
- 3% cost of living included
- Tax deductible premiums
- Benefits even if LTC Is never used
- All components guaranteed
- Refund of any lump sum at any time 100% guaranteed
- Lump sum liquid
Ask us to help you configure a customized proposal for ThePerfectLTCSolution™ based upon your specific needs.