Tag Archives: year end

Year-End Payroll Doesn’t Have to Be a Mess

Your year-end payroll doesn’t have to be a crunch.

Most Payroll and accounting departments are overwhelmed at year-end — there’s so much to get done and your team might already be stressed going into the holiday season. We think approaching your year-end early can help you be sure that you complete all of the important tasks, leading to a great Payroll close out. Here are our quick tips for a year-end Payroll that doesn’t stress everyone out:

1. Make sure you have all the right information.

A good start is to review all of your employees, and make sure that you have every thing needed for year and filing – addresses updated as well.

2. Keep the right things on your radar.

There is a host of issues you want to consider before year end including but not limited to:

  • Bonuses
  • Sick pay PTO payout
  • Personal use a company cars
  • Group term insurance in excess of 50,000
  • Maximums for retirement plans
  • consider any other taxable fringe benefits
  • Transportation, or moving expenses that are taxable

3. Get retirement plan discussions out of the way early.

Don’t forget partner and owners. Many of them may want to take salaries in order to max out retirement plans opportunities. Be sure to discuss this with your CPA or administrator early to avoid any confusion. 

4. Get started now.

A well thought through year-end plan that starts in early December will help you avoid the payroll crunch of the last week of the year when most payroll companies are overwhelmed and many are on vacation.

Need more tips? Check out our blog post:

7 Tips for Smooth Year-End Payroll Processing 2022:

If you need help with your year-end Payroll, give us a call. We’d love to help.

7 Tips for Smooth Year-End Payroll Processing 2022

We’re rounding the corner to the last few weeks of the year. Don’t leave your Year-End Payroll to the last minute. Even if you’re a Year-End Payroll veteran, it can still be easy to overlook crucial steps. Sitting idle could be a big mistake, make sure you take action.

What is Year-End Payroll?

Year-End Payroll involves a careful review and verification of all your financial information during the fourth quarter of the calendar year through the first quarter of the following year. Businesses are responsible for Year-End Payroll

Year-end processing ensures your company’s Payroll and taxes are compliant with current federal, state, and local regulations. If your organization isn’t compliant, it can lose money to fees and regulatory costs. Therefore, actively participating in Year-End Payroll processing saves you from future headaches and your organization loss in revenue.

As you close out your Payroll activities and set compensation and benefits for 2023, contact CorpStrat Payroll for a comprehensive check list to help you stay on track. To give you an idea, here are our top year end Payroll information to prepare and decisions to make:

1. Verify Tax Form Information

To reduce the possibility of printing W-2s/1099s with incorrect information, and to avoid penalties for missing or invalid data, please take the time to verify your employees’ critical information. Make sure the employee’s name matches their social security number, that their mailing addresses are up to date, and that the employee is coded to the correct state and local tax jurisdiction.

2. Review Employee Data During Open Enrollment

During this time, it is crucial to verify that employee deductions have been updated to payroll once open enrollment closes. If you are utilizing our benefits solution, we have several reports available to assist you in comparing your data. Regardless of your renewal date, year-end is a great time to review all employee pay data, including deductions. Please contact payroll@corpstrat.com if you find any discrepancies.

3. Set-up Bonus Payrolls

If you are planning a bonus payroll this year, please email payroll@corpstrat.com as we will be able to help you determine when you should submit your payroll based upon the total amount of the payroll and the check date. It is always best if you can submit your bonus payroll at least 5 days BEFORE the check date to ensure timely processing of direct deposits and taxes.

4. Add Fringe Benefits

Don’t forget to record any taxable fringe benefits by the end of the year. Email Payroll@corpstrat.com and we can answer any questions you have on this topic.

5. ACA Reporting

Employers with 50 or more full-time equivalents (FTE) are required to complete the mandatory ACA reporting using IRS forms 1094-c and 1095-C. Are you prepared? Remember that 12/23 is the deadline to provide us with this information.

6. Submit Year End Form Amendments, Changes, and Reprints

1/03/2022 by 12 PM PST is the last day to submit 2021 adjustments to ensure accurate filings. Any 2022 adjustment requested after 01/03/2022 will be subject to amendment billing. Please send any questions to payroll@corpstrat.com.

7. Be Aware of Changes Going Into 2023

From Minimum Wage increases to changes in HSA Contribution Limits, so many things are changing in 2023. Contact your CorpStrat Payroll representative to make sure you avoid costly mistakes by missing any of these key changes.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. If there’s something you’re not sure about, reach out to your CorpStrat Payroll account manager or email us at marketing@corpstrat.com