Category Archives: Workforce Automation

The CorpStrat Experience: What to Expect When Working With Us

People often ask us, “What make CorpStrat different?”

At the heart of it, we work hard and we care about our clients. In today’s fast moving world, people have little time to waste. They need fast reliable answers to their questions and need a team of advisors to make sure that their business is protected.

When you work with us, you’re working with dedicated and experienced people, not bots or call centers. We’re a team of real folks who value teamwork, put our clients’ interests first, are passionate learners and dedicated to client service.

When people do business with us, here’s a quick overview of what they can expect from the experience.

1. The CorpStrat Conversation™

When we begin working together, we’ll start with what we call The CorpStrat Conversation™. This is a unique, forward thinking conversation that will help us uncover what is and what isn’t working in your business. We zero in on what needs to be changed in order for you to best meet your goals. So many times these conversations are about so much more than Employee Benefits or Human Capital Management, it’s our opportunity to set the foundation for a true partnership and advisory relationship.

2. The CorpStrat Intake™

During The CorpStrat Intake™, our veteran advisors work directly with your team to audit, review, and gather data. We go to great lengths to ensure that this process is as painless as possible.

3. The CorpStrat Analysis™

After getting the lay of the land, we draw from our experience and wisdom combined with our marketplace savvy to evaluate opportunities that benefit you.

4. The CorpStrat Consult™

Once we have a plan in place, we’ll schedule The CorpStrat Consult™. During this, we’ll discuss, review, and propose the best plan we have in mind for you that will put you on the best path for future success.

5. The CorpStrat Deploy™

Throughout this entire process, you’re never alone. Even during the CorpStrat Deploy™, our team helps implement, execute and communicate strategic planning so you’re never left in the lurch.

6. The CorpStrat Review™

The final step is The CorpStrat Review™. Even after we implement the strategy, we continue to actively stay involved to support and assure that your company’s objectives are achieved.

Need help with Employee Benefits, Insurance, Payroll or Human Capital Management? We’d love to work with you. Let’s talk. 

7 Key Benefits of Automated Payroll

When your HR team is all tied up with number crunching week to week and manually running payroll, they don’t have as much bandwidth to focus on important responsibilities like hiring, employee relations, and training and development. Having automated Payroll set up is a huge win for your HR department and here are a few reasons why:

1. Reduces Errors

Many outdated systems require Payroll managers to migrate data from one platform to another leaving opportunities for human and programatic error. Our Workforce Ready system features a single database which means real-time updates and no syncing, ensuring Payroll is always on time and accurate.

2. Save Time

With automated Payroll, managers no longer have to run around wrangling timesheets, double checking approved time off, or submit corrections. With Workforce Ready, managers can run Payroll quickly, saving 3-5 hours per week.

3. Geofencing Capabilities

With outdated Payroll systems, many times employers were limited by location and relied on an honor system. With our automated Payroll system, Geofencing gives employees the opportunity to clock in from within a certain distance of a work site and offers employers deeper knowledge into the exact hours their employees are working—all of which lead to more efficient and accurate Payroll.

4. Increased Security

Security is a huge concern when you’re managing valuable employee and company information. With an automated Payroll system, your data is encrypted and password protected so it’s only accessible to your team.

5. Makes Taxes a Piece of Cake

Gone are the days of number crunching, referencing various spreadsheets, and pulling out your hair trying to understand confusing new tax rules. With an automated Payroll system, you never have to worry about being compliant with new tax rules because the system is constantly being updated to reflect current tax policies. Also, tax withholdings are automatically calculated for each individual employee so you can rest assured that everything is filed correctly and on time.

6. Easy Reporting

When it comes to Payroll, we think the more data you have the better. The deeper insight you can have into how your workforce is performing, the better you can make informed decisions for your team. With automated Payroll, you can easily download beautifully designed reports that give you both a birds eye and granular view of your Payroll, which will help you make more strategic labor cost decisions.

7. Self-Service Employee Portals

One of the biggest headaches for HR Departments is having to chase down employees for signed time-sheets or documents. Automated Payroll takes this stressor away immediately by offering each individual employee their own login credentials and dashboard. Through their self-service portal, team members can make updates to their information, sign time-sheets and documents, access documents, and so much more.

Curious about automating your organization’s Payroll? Let’s talk. Give us a call at 818.377.7260 or email us at

8 Reasons Seamless Onboarding Is So Important

Believe it or not, not so long ago companies had to store their paperwork in massive filing units that took up valuable office space. When an employee needed a document, HR teams had to go fishing for it in an interminable sea of paper. If something went missing, it could lead to major compliance issues and leave employers vulnerable to law suits.

Thanks to new technology allowing for powerful mobile apps, those days are mostly behind us. However, many companies still aren’t using the most efficient onboarding systems. Some have a general onboarding system but it’s not connected to payroll. Others have paperless onboarding but it has a clunky UI and information isn’t stored in a single database, leaving room for error and documents falling through the cracks. With our Workforce Ready, all-in-one solution: onboarding is connected directly to Payroll, employees can use a single login to keep things streamlined, and everything is stored securely in a single database.

Here are 8 ways our Workforce Ready platform can make onboarding completely painless:

1. It’ll save you a tremendous amount of time.

Our platform features a powerful desktop and mobile application that allows HR teams to easily and immediately generate documents and send them to employees. This mean no more running to and from the printer or using a third party app that you then have to upload into the system.

2. It’ll save you valuable office space.

Employers don’t have to store a thing. This means no more dedicating entire rooms in your office for storing paperwork or hard drives. It also reduces the anxiety of forms getting lost or misfiled, which can quickly snowball into a bigger compliance issue.

3. It’ll make connecting new employees to payroll a breeze.

A big inconvenience for HR teams we see is when their onboarding platform and employee HR portals aren’t connected with their payroll. We think it’s extremely important for onboarding and payroll to be connected through a single datapoint entry because it eliminates the possibility of mistakes and delays. Our Workforce Ready platform stores everything in one database making it easy for HR teams and guarantees no confusion or delayed payments for employees.

4. It’ll make it easy for employees to access their documents.

With the Workforce Ready app, employees can access their onboarding documents any time and any where through their portal. This empowers your employees and offloads work from your HR team’s plate.

5. It’ll keep your managers accessible and accountable.

Many employees who leave a job do so because they have issues with their direct manager. By using an efficient employee onboarding and tracking system, employers can ensure their managers are efficiently leading and motivating their team members by using the app to bake in evaluations and performance benchmarks  at designated times.

6. It’ll offer your team a more personalized experience.

Surveys have shown that going paperless can actually reduce turnover rates. Companies that have effective onboarding procedures save money by retaining up to 50% more new hires. When your team members feel empowered and in the know, they’re more likely to be satisfied with their work environment.

7. It’ll make sure they can get to work faster.

The sooner your new hires can get to work, the sooner they can start contributing to and getting to know the team. Employers that haven’t adopted paperless onboarding might be wasting their new employees’ valuable time by having them mired in paperwork before they even know where the coffee maker is. Having a powerful web and mobile application like Workforce Ready means HR can send documents and checklists, employees can immediately sign what they need to, and those signatures are stored in a single cloud-based database.

8. It’ll help with efficiency and compliance

It’s simple: electronic onboarding ensures compliance, which protects your business. The onboarding app basically force employees to complete each step before they can move on. This means that if your company gets audited, it’ll be easy and straightforward to present all the relevant paperwork and show your company is compliant.

Need help setting up seamless onboarding? Let’s talk! Email us at

Tracking Time & Attendance in a Remote World

Solved: Tracking Time & Attendance in a Remote World

Tracking Time & Attendance in a Remote World

Timesheets, punch cards, time clocks… it’s one of the very fundamental HR monitoring duties— confirming that employees work the hours for which they are paid. In a COVID-19 affected world where teams are still working remotely, HR departments have been met with the unique challenge of accurately tracking employees’ hours. This is where our Workforce Automation system can make a huge difference. Having an automated system with a powerful mobile app allows your company to easily track your employee’s hours, no matter where they are. Plus, it makes it convenient and accessible for your employees.

Read on for ways utilizing our technology to automate Time & Attendance can save you time & money.

Improved Timekeeping/Absence Management

A fully-integrated HR attendance module can simply make timekeeping better. Timesheets are more accurate and reliable. Accidental errors are avoided, thus having the time and effort needed for corrections. This also ensures that paychecks are accurate, ensuring your company isn’t overpaying for hours not worked, and vice versa.

Scheduling is a Breeze

Nothing’s more frustrating than unintentionally overstaffing or having to fill a shift when there’s a last minute absence. Tracking in real time makes it easier for your company to forecast overstaffing and overtime, communicate quickly and efficiently with staff members, and minimizes the financial impacts of absenteeism.

Built-in Accountability 

Complicated issues can be reduced to minor levels, such as time theft and “buddy punching” (one employee clocking in on behalf of another). In turn, payroll errors and the cost associated with correcting them are reduced.


With an automated system, paid time off calculations are much less subject to human error and compliance is virtually assured. Plus, you’re able to show your work—companies can easily pull reports that accurately show employee work records and PTO requests.

Data, Data & More Data

As with all HR software, once the data is in the system, it can be dissected in numerous ways. The first advantage of doing this with HR system attendance is that managers receive real-time alerts.  Better-informed decisions on workforce deployment can be made on the fly. Beyond basic scheduling benefits, data can be used in more strategic ways with analytics and reporting, giving manager’s insights into trends and patterns.

Remote Portals

We live in a time when physically “punching the clock” simply isn’t a relevant solution. For many organizations, online and mobile access to time and attendance is increasingly essential. This makes it easier for organizations to log on from remote workspaces to punch-in, punch-out, and see basic time and attendance data.

Increased Efficiency

Modern HR system attendance software goes far beyond the old school ways. With integrated data and analytics plus employee and manager self-service, this type of system can greatly enhance the day-to-day efficiency of your organization. This frees you up to focus on the important work of growing your business.

To learn more about CorpStrat’s time and labor management solution, please contact us:

Learn more about Workforce Automation

Are you looking for a solution that can help your employees make better decisions, conduct faster enrollments, and make changes on the fly with 24/7 access? If your answer is ‘yes’, then it’s time to go paperless. Learn more