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What Does Great Service Really Mean?

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We live in a connected, always-available time. Amazon delivers in two hours. Starbucks baristas know what you drink and call you by name. Food appears at your doorstep via single click and the internet creates instant “likes and favorites”. But when you are dealing with complex systems that aren’t “clickable”, service has to stand out in other ways:

What Should You Expect From Your Insurance Broker?


Organizations have to communicate 10-times better today, to be sure their messages are heard, and understood. From an advisory standpoint, clients should seek out firms that use todays’ technology to communicate and focus on communicating progress, when getting to the “finish line” requires more complex resolutions.


You should feel confident that your advisors are just as committed as you are to the achievement of your outcomes. By focusing on your goals, it should be readily apparent and clear that YOUR current and future goals are the focus of an advisory relationship – not the goals of that broker’s vendors.


Seek out and explore organizations that take advantage of disruptive technology and “out of the box” thinking when it comes to problems and strategies. Creativity comes in all shapes and sizes, but mostly, it appears in what seem to be clairvoyant ways that outcomes are achieved, that systems are deployed and that people connect.


Seek out advisors and organization that increase your confidence. Yelp and other business rating sites, and good old “word of mouth” referrals are still a great way to affirm a decision to do business with and engage with companies. The experience with your vendors and service firms should be one that you come away with a sense of progress, direction and ultimately sense that “we got your back”. Accountability and confidence go hand in hand.

At CorpStrat, we lead by example. Our success and business depend on four fundamentals – Show up on time, Do what we say, Finish what we start, and Say “please” and “thank you”.