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These Top Issues Will Affect the Workplace In 2016

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CorpStrat outlines the top issues it believes will affect the workplace in 2016 based on observations and discussions with its partners and customers.
1. Regulations will affect an increasingly diversified workforce: The minimum wage debate and discussions about wage and hour obligations will continue next year. There will be ongoing developments in independent contractor classification, exemption regulations, and other wage and hour rules. Businesses that hire “on-demand” companies with a significant number of independent contractors must assess how they classify their workers to avoid the kind of costly class-action lawsuits that have been popping up.
2. Employers tread a fine line between a flexible work culture and compliance: Many companies have initiated unlimited vacation policies. Unfortunately, people don’t always take time off from work. A number of recent legal cases have exposed businesses to costly and potentially brand-damaging consequences. In 2016, companies will be more judicious in how to encourage work/life balance and implement employee benefit programs against corporate, financial, legal and human resources implications.
3. Smart devices and the Internet of Things: Expect a continued bring-your-own-device trend in the workplace. Vendors will capitalize on the popularity of wearables to build software that supports how people work. This enterprise technology will be integrated with the “Internet of things,” to automate processes and capture data to increase workforce efficiency.
4. Time clocks will become obsolete: Workers still use time clocks in manufacturing and retail. But these devices will become obsolete as companies migrate to the cloud. Employers will use flexible, application-based tools with videos and real-time data to prevent co-workers from punching in for other workers.

Companies must incorporate more agile HR management processes: Many HR departments are embracing HR Management software. The benefits of these products will extend across the entire company to help companies evolve and continue to attract and reward employees.

For more information and guidance about how technology is impacting workplaces, contact us.