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Payroll Nightmares

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One of the biggest headaches employers have to manage on time is payroll. Often, payroll challenges make you wonder – why is something so critical to your business and your employees so complicated and confusing?

If you’re familiar with these payroll-related conditions, we can help you find your way to payday zen.

Employee Nightmares, Employer Late Nights, and Legalese-Induced Insomnia…

Payday: MIA

We all want to hire great people who want to come to work each day, and that’s what most employees are after, too. However, at the end of the day, your organization’s employees are there to take home their paycheck. And if it’s not there on payday, you can run into some serious issues with employee satisfaction, and even Southern California payroll law.

That’s Not My Name!

Misclassified employees get a paycheck with the wrong wages, miscalculated deductions, or worse… and getting somebody on the phone to fix it? Good luck!

Underestimating Overtime

Depending on your employees’ classifications, overtime requirements can vary. This has been a hot issue in 2016, with the DOJ’s changing overtime rule in various states of legal limbo.

Don’t Count On It…

Miscalculated deductions can wreak havoc on your budget and your employees’ patience. With taxes, benefits, retirement deductions, and vacation calculations to consider, a small mistake can really add up.

Who Are You, Again?

With all the fees your payroll company charges, you would think they could afford to upgrade their phone systems. Is anything worse than calling about one of these issues, only to get disconnected mid-transfer?

When you call most payroll companies, you get a call center. We think your payroll is far too important to be left to a that. At CorpStrat, your payroll is managed by someone who knows your name, so there’s always a familiar face on the other end of the line.

When you integrate CorpStrat Payroll with our CorpStrat HR Software and CorpStrat Benefits, your payroll goes from a nightmare to a total dream.