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Managing the Lifecycle of Employee Data

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“In most markets, the best employees have already been hired.”

Is this how you begin to feel, any time you need to fill a vacancy at your organization?

When it is time to hire, you can often run into a double problem: not only is it hard to find qualified employees, it is a challenge to decide what set of employee qualifications will help your organization grow and succeed.

With a fully integrated employee data system, hiring managers are going to have even more tools to manage both of these problems.

Hiring With Precision

Now, the right digital integration has to start with how you hire. The good news here is that technology can be a really useful recruiting tool for you.  By targeting, filtering, and learning from the applicants who come through your job postings, you’ll be able to better target future job listings.

When you are able to use a recruiting tool that integrates with your HRMS, you’re off to an even better start. By using the data you have, you can determine what’s great about the employees you have now, and what you need from a new employee in order to really improve your productivity and operations.

Your HRMS can also become a recruiting screening tool, ensuring that your hiring managers are only spending time looking over the applications of qualified individuals, cutting down on the overhead of hiring.

Data Friendly from Day One

Once your hiring manager has found that star performer you’ve been looking for, your HRMS can take that employee’s information from ’recruiting’ stage to ‘onboarding’ stage. Last week, we talked about the challenges placed by the ‘old school complexities’ of modern businesses, and this is where an HRMS’ simplicity can really shine! Employees will be able to show up at their first day on the job to an HRMS system fully prepared to enroll them, allowing employees to:

This protects employers by minimizing the risk of a lawsuit, and allowing you to take full ownership of all paperwork and agreement information. Moving forward, it is easy to see what internal information and agreements this employee has agreed to for disciplinary, restructuring, or continuing education efforts.

Closing the Employment Circle

For one reason or another, employees are going to leave your organization. Whether through layoffs, misconduct, or better opportunities, an HRMS that starts the data trail at candidate screening gives your organization a complete story of the employee’s trajectory and performance at your company.

This data has value to your company in so many ways, primarily legal and analytical. If there are legal allegations about your company, the digital paper trail can save you a lot of time and headache.

If your company has needed to make hard decisions about downsizing, using the data from your integrated HRMS can help reveal the biggest opportunities for growth, and the parts of your operations that need better resources, training, or more people.

A shifting workforce is always going to mean a shift in how the workplace is managed. Luckily, with a well-designed Human Resources Management System, employers and HR managers are able to add systems to the workplace that can bring many ways of looking at work together under one roof, like automation, recruiting tools, and communication options.

Does this sound like it’s the right fit for your company, except for just one thing? Give us a call and let us know. CorpStrat can tell you how we can help you bring your payroll, benefits, and HR for the 21st century.