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Why Every Employer Needs an ERISA Wrap Document

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Heading into audit season, a simple and cost effective solution to ensure your documents are prepared correctly is having an ERISA Wrap Document. Including a wrap document will mean if there’s anything missing in your insurance policy or coverage certificate, this one document will supplement the information necessary to comply with ERISA. It’s a bit like playing defense, it’s nothing flashy but when you need it, you’re so glad you’re covered. Plus, at less than $500 a year, it’s the easiest way to save yourself a ton of headaches.

What is ERISA?

What is an ERISA Wrap Document?

What doesn’t count as an ERISA Wrap Document:

Why Do I Need An ERISA Wrap Document?

If you don’t have an ERISA Wrap Document or your company’s ERISA Wrap Document is outdated, schedule a call with us now. We can help.