American Workers Don’t Understand Their Benefits – October 2015
While many people say they do just fine managing their finances, 37% find doing so somewhat or very difficult and 40% say personal financial problems are a distraction at work, according to the study. Some groups find personal finance more difficult than others, including Millennials (58%), parents (50%), Generation X (47%), women (44%) and those with annual incomes of $50,000 or less (44%). Baby Boomers were the least likely to encounter difficulty in managing their finances (28%) or being distracted at work by financial issues (24%).
Eighty percent do not use an online financial tool to manage their retirement, healthcare and other forms of insurance. However, 73% say they would be likely to use such a tool if it were available free, especially if it were provided by a trusted and respected financial services company.
Millennials (82%), parents (80%) and Gen Xers (78%) are especially interested in using an online financial tool. Thirty-two percent said they would be more likely to enroll in their employee benefits if they could use an online tool to help them figure out their needs.